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What is hernia?
2018.07.26 Hit :4,800
The proper timing for hernia tor hernia treatment
2018.07.25 Hit :5,482
Choosing the best hernia center
2018.07.25 Hit :4,628
What is the best method for hernia repair?
2018.07.25 Hit :7,433
Understanding the traditional hernia repair method
2018.07.25 Hit :5,740
Currently, doctors are largely performing inguinal hernia repairs using mesh
2018.07.25 Hit :5,075
Lets take a closer look at 'Mesh' and the problems that arose from it
2018.07.25 Hit :4,333
Does "Mesh"hernia repair have a low rate of recurrence?
2018.07.25 Hit :4,590
Now it's time to introduce a 'Non-mesh', inguinal hernia repair with primary 'direct' closure, which is also known as
2018.07.25 Hit :6,971
Primary direct closure, Kang Repair is now available under local anesthesia
2018.07.25 Hit :5,208